UIDAI: A Future Mass Communication Tool

Mass Communication occurs when a samll number of people send messages to a large, anonymous and usually heterogeneous audience through the use of specialized communication media. The units of analysis for mass communication are the messages, the mediums, and the audience. Mass Communication studies the uses and effects of the media by many as opposed to the study of human interaction as in other communication contexts.

In the era of libralization, globalization and privatization, Indian policy makers at various levels are surprised by a new phenomenon in form of challenges & opportunities. As the growth rate of the economy treated like sharemarket's benchmarking system and took off to seven percent, nine percent even more year after year. The government could pump in far more crores and crores of rupees into various developmental projects and make them become bigger than was thought possible earlier. In this juncture where UIDAI(Unique Identification Authority of India) or AADHAR project comes in handy. It is a national project which is an unique endeavour to count all the Indians of the country and provide them an identity document or a card, essentially a number. 

Let's analyse that how this AADHAAR will be a mass communication tool for every citizen of the country. The objective of the UIDAI, to issue a unique number for every resident in the country, goes to the heart of ensuring greater opportunity to accessing information of a persona centrally. The role of Aadhar number is that of an enabler - a number that helps governments desing better welfare programs, enables residents in both urban and rural India to access resources more easily, and allows agencies to deliver services more effectively and transparency.

Let's talk about how Aadhaar can be a communication tool for masses:   

1. It is an individul recognized identity system. This recognition means that the individual is the real target of social programs, and not the household. As we know that the government has accordingly launched an entire range of programs aimed at addressing the varied requirements of people in poverty: for example the Janani Suraksha Yojana effort is targeted to the health of pregnant women and their infants; the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan program focuses strongly on keeping children in school; the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima provides health insurance for adults and children; the National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme gurantees hundred days of work for the rural unemployed, and is a cushion for lean, hard times.

2. As it is technology based infrastructure, the Aadhaar number represents a sharp transition from paper based to IT-enabled identity systems. These numbers, which will be linked to biometric and demographic information to ensure their uniqueness, well be stored in a secure central database. The database can be contacted for identity authentication from anywhere in the country. The resident could verigy their identity online and in real-time, by providing his/her demographic or biometric or other information. Such an IT-enabled infrasture would also support the remote verification of identity, creating possibilites for the remote delivery of services across the country, which can use the Aadhaar number rather than building their own indentification mechanisms from scrach where governmental and non-governmental body can track down infromation easily.

3. Educating, Empowering and Equalizing through accountibility through clear identification based on the biometric aspect of Aadhaar is in my view, an innovative number enabling many features and will pave significant role in increasing accountability for service providers and to broaden access.

Biometric authentication along with other factors of authentication also makes it easier to deliver public resources and servieces through a variety of agencies - public, private, and non-profit. The two-way approach in delivering entitlements and services-delivery followed by confirmation through authentication - creases the accountability of public and private service providers to the resident, sionce the resident's relationship with the agency is far more direct, and confirmation bypasses all intermediaries.


To reach on final conclusion of this future communication tool, the Aadhaar number will strengthens our ability to respond to these calls, and imbue our policies with the principles of empowerment for the resident. With Aadhar therefore, India joins a club of more than fifty nations around the world. Now the main important thing will be evaluated the tranparency in working systems. Today, India is more focusing on corrouption and black money where governemental bodies are dealing with civil society people.



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